Top 5 Tips to Help Select the Perfect Donor!

Selecting the ideal donor can seem like an overwhelming process. With their vast experience in helping clients through the process, our Client Services Team put together this helpful list of tips to simplify the process for you. Try them and see if they work for you!

1. Talk to your doctor about CMV & RH status.

Knowing if these matter in your situation will make the initial selection of the right group of donors easier.

2. Know your genetic screening results.

If you need a donor with certain testing, we will work with you. It may already be done, but best to know what you need up front so you can choose wisely.

3. Decide what characteristics matter to you.

Whether it is a certain height, eye color or ancestry that matters, chose those and come up with a select group of donors. If you have someone you would like the donor to resemble, consider providing us the photos and we’ll help with the match.

4. Start reviewing donor information on this select group.

All the donor profile information, childhood photos, audio interviews and silhouettes are available at no cost. Childhood photos are the most viewed item so go ahead and look at as many as you want. Looking for free makes it much easier!

5. Seek out advice and support from those who are having similar experiences.

You can find many resources online and if you participate, you can choose to remain anonymous. One option is to visit our CLI Family Forums to see what others are saying and ask your questions to a large group of like minded folks

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