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Blog written by CLI Family Forum Moderator Desiree

After the last blog article about abbreviations, I came up with another list to help users navigate the technology lingo often found throughout the CLI Family Forums.

Here are a few common medical abbreviations used on the forum that are usually found in posts discussing inseminations or pregnancy testing.

AF: Aunt Flo – female menstrual cycle

OPK: Ovulation Predictor Kit

BBT: Basal Body Temperature – used to pinpoint when ovulation has occurred and determine future patterns for predicting ovulation

LH: Luteinizing Hormone – hormone that increases briefly just prior to ovulation

POAS: Pee On A Stick – in reference to taking a home pregnancy test

HPT: Home Pregnancy Test

hCG: Human Chorionic Gonadotropin – hormone produced by the body that pregnancy tests use to establish positive results

Beta: beta HCG levels are tested at a physician’s office to confirm pregnancy

BFP: Big Fat Positive – Pregnant

BFN: Big Fat Negative – Not Pregnant

IVF: In Vitro Fertilization

FET: Frozen Embryo Transfer

CLI BlogNow that you understand some of these abbreviations you can confidently join the discussions of the CLI Family Forums.

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