What is it like for the Sperm Donor? (Part 2)

Written by CLI Laboratory Director, Michelle Ottey, PhD.

If their samples meet the high quality requirements, their medical history looks good, and they complete the extensive medical interview their information is reviewed by the Medical Director. Once approved the men have their physical and extensive disease testing. If everything comes back clear, they are accepted into the program.

The staff at the Cryobank gets to know the sperm donors very well over time. They see them weekly and discuss very personal information. The staff develops a relationship with them. They learn about their family, their classes or jobs, their relationships, their vacations and trips, what they are watching on TV or reading. Some of the sperm donors are very friendly and take some time at their appointments to chat with the staff before or after producing their specimen; for them it is easy and casual. Other sperm donors are a little private; they come in donate and head right out.

CLI Blog smallThe staff quickly learns how to make the sperm donor comfortable and establishes a dynamic with them. The goal of the sperm bank staff is to provide a safe, comfortable environment for the sperm donors.


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