The new PMS: Physically, Mentally and Spiritually

Blog written by Compliance Officer Amy Erickson Hagen

It is easy to look at our body, mind, spirit and emotions as if each part is fully separate from the other rather than totally intertwined. This fragmented approach can lead us to look at health in a compartmentalized manner rather than as the management of a whole self. Past medical teaching believed that our bodies, organs and systems are totally separate from our thoughts, emotions, energy fields and our spiritual selves. However recent thinking stresses the need to look at how our thoughts can affect our behavior and ultimately our health.

As I have said before, I am a science person, my mind just things that way. So I started out discovering more about my physical self. I would suggest reading Eat Right 4 Your Type or trying to think back to high school or college and remembering the 11 body systems. With conception we typically focus on the reproductive system (now you only have to think of 10 more) however the various other systems play an integral role in our overall health. If you have already become pregnant or are a parent you need full energy to be a parent so researching the physiology of the body won’t be waited time. I don’t consider myself a reader or really have the time to read about body systems so instead I would suggest just go online and search “11 body systems” and just refresh yourself. If something interests you then dig more.

As people being challenged with conception concerns, new parents or those changing our minds on how we view families, we need to understand how our emotions work and how various emotions can create illness in our bodies. We need to appreciate how our values and beliefs can directly affect our everyday health.

Personally I have turned to yoga and meditation to clear a path for the good in my life and clear negative energies. Does this always work, surely not, however it give me something of focus on other than daily frustrations. Someone recently told me to try to take care of yourself physically, mentally and spiritually instead of everyone or everything else and then the other stressors around you may appear different. So now, I ask myself daily PMS, what is the last thing I did to take care of myself physically, mentally and spiritually. If I can’t think of something I did recently for PMS then now is the time to do it.

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