Would you become a donor?

Blog written by Laboratory Staff Zach K.

As a man working in the sperm banking industry, I get asked many questions. Some of them weird, some of them random, but a majority of them are about our donor program and how you get in it. Usually at this point in the conversation I tell them about the strict criteria we have concerning medical history, phenotypes and specimen quality. I also tell them all of the testing and interviews our donors go through. But recently I was asked, “If you were hypothetically accepted into the donor program, would you do it?” I had never been asked that before and to be honest I had never even thought about it the entire time I have been with Cryogenic Laboratories, Inc.

Our donors are making a big decision by committing to this program. All of the testing, interviews, and blood draws aside, they know that their sperm will be used by those trying to create a family. This takes a very special kind of person to give this type of service to others. I think this is a testament to the type of men we recruit, test and eventually accept into our program. In fact I do not think I have ever heard one of our donors say the only reason they are in our program is because of the money.

I have always looked at our company through the eyes of the clients but never have I looked at it through the eyes of a donor. So to answer the question stated earlier, I believe that I would go into the program if I was accepted (hypothetically of course). Seeing the joy that can be brought to families and couples that use our services is priceless and to be a part of that would truly be an honor.

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