Happy Fourth of July!

Fun Facts to impress your family this weekend:

On this day in 1776, the Declaration of Independence was approved by the Continental Congress, starting the 13 colonies on the road to freedom as a sovereign nation.

31: Number of places nationwide with “liberty” in their name. The most populous one is Liberty, Missouri (29,149).

$190.7 million: The value of fireworks imported from China, representing the bulk of all U.S. fireworks imports ($197.3 million ) in 2010.

More than 81 million: Number of Americans who said they have taken part in a barbecue during the previous year. It’s probably safe to assume a large number of these events took place on the Fourth.

There’s a 1-in-6 chance the beef on your backyard grill came from Texas. The Lone Star State is the leader in the production of cattle and calves.

Source: 4th of July Fun Facts

CLI wishes everyone a fun and safe July 4th weekend. We will be closed on Monday but will be ready to help you with your cryobank services Tuesday morning.

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